In the beginning, there were protazoa. Fortunately there were no humans around, for the interaction of protazoan with a wound would not be good for said humans. Eventually protazoa evolved to Cro-Magnon man, at which point wounds were still not very well taken care of. It
wasn't until intelligent homo sapiens walked the Earth that thought was put to this difficult challenge.
Even up the the American Civil War wound care was barbaric. Many wounds, no matter how simple, resulted in amputation of the affected limb for fear of clostridial infection. Perhaps the ancient techniques written about by aboriginals in Australia, the Maya, and American Indians (use of maggot therapy) or those of the Romans (honey and wine) had been forgotten.
Thereafter, however, some of these techniques were revisited. Sterile techniques matured, antisepsis, and even the antibiotic penicillin in the late 1920s. In modern times, we have a plethora of fancy dressings and techniques to maximize the healing of wounds. But have we taken a step backwards?
If not, then why do we still have so many wounds? They develop at home, even in hospitals and nursing homes. Also, with a plethora of wound care service providers, the expertise has seemingly left the building. Home Life Wound Care is bringing back the bedrock wound care that emerged in the early part of the 20th century. Wound care provided by the founders of wound care- Surgeons. Wound care in the nursing home, in the patients' home. Wound care any day, in most any location. Let us help to resolve your wounds.