Prevention of pressure injury in hospitalized or nursing home patients is paramount in reducing morbidity and cost associated with treatment. However, in 25 years as a physician, I have observed very little progress in this area. In fact, I would argue that the situation has deteriorated due to less frequent nursing care which resulted from post pandemic labor shortages, inadequate reinvestment of profits, and refusal to change attitudes towards geriatric patients.
Now this leaves us with a cost burden of treatment which far outpaces cost of prevention. The cost to treat pressure ulcers is discussed in the medical literature, but these studies do not consider the true cost. They limit their analysis to direct cost of labor and materials, but fail to consider the social costs related to hospitalization, re-hospitalization, extended nursing home stays, lost wages, pain and suffering.
The vicious cycle of chronic pressure wounds could be interrupted at any point along the circumference, but ultimately is only dismantled if all parties make diligent, continued efforts. Home Life Wound Care attempts the impossible by assembling the relevant parties while treating, educating, advocating. Call us to evaluate your patient in the Skilled Nursing Home, Assisted Living Facility, or home.